Reignite Your Purpose. Reconnect with Nature. Rediscover Yourself.


About Us

The Ultimate Retreat for High-Level Executives Feeling Unfulfilled

You’ve reached the pinnacle of success. You have money, power, and status, but deep down, something is missing. You feel isolated, like you’re constantly surrounded by people who only see your wealth and influence. Relationships are shallow, and true friendship feels out of reach. At home, your family life is strained, and you wonder if you’ve lost touch with who you truly are.

At Executive Camp, we offer something no amount of money or fame can buy—an opportunity to rediscover yourself, reconnect with nature, and build deep, meaningful relationships. This is not just a retreat; it’s a life-changing journey.


Get Ready for An Awakening Adventure!

Face the Wilderness, Face Yourself

This isn’t just a luxury glamping resort—though you’ll experience moments of comfort, you'll also face the brutal conditions of the wilderness. You will get dirty, tired, and challenged—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Over the course of a 7-part journey, you’ll backpack through rugged terrain, build fires with your own hands, and forge tools. While you won’t hunt your own food, you will be provided with animals to kill and prepare, giving you a raw, primal experience. These are not just survival skills; they are lessons in resilience and humility that will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you.

Build Lifelong Friendships

Here, you'll meet other successful men who understand what it’s like to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Together, you’ll build real friendships—based on trust, shared challenges, and deep conversations. These relationships will last far beyond the retreat, giving you a network of men who truly understand you.

Reconnect with Your Family

Success can take a toll on family life. This retreat will guide you through reconnecting with your spouse and children, helping you become the husband and father you aspire to be. Through reflection and guidance, you'll strengthen your family ties and go home ready to rebuild those relationships.

A Journey Into Your Soul

During this retreat, you will face not only the challenges of the wilderness but also the emotional battles within yourself. You’ll confront the pain of your past, the insecurities you’ve buried, and the fears that have held you back. You will come out the other side stronger, with a clearer sense of who you are and what truly matters in your life.

Trusted by many people

I can't say enough about the incredible experienceI had at your Executive Camp. I feel like my life has changed.

Barry Stevens

Listen, I really didn't know what to expect when I signed up for this. It was expensive and I was apprehensive, but I don't regret the investment one bit!

Jackson Huber


What Awaits You at Executive Camp?

Backpacking, Kayaking, and Horseback Riding: Test your limits in breathtaking natural landscapes.

Fire Building, Tool Forging, and Hunting: Learn to survive—and thrive—in the wilderness with your own hands.

Emotional Discovery: Confront the things you’ve avoided for years and walk away with a new sense of clarity and purpose.

Faith and Spiritual Connection: Reconnect with your faith, whether it’s in God, nature, or something bigger than yourself.

Brotherhood: Forge lifelong bonds with men who face the same struggles as you, men who will become your friends, mentors, and confidants for years to come.

Sometimes you will be sleeping in a Tent, Dome or Cabin. Other times in a sleeping bag outdoors. Be prepared for anything. The clothing suggestions will be sent later. Usually the conditions are fairly nice, but things can change.

Who Is This For?

Executive Camp is for men—CEOs, entrepreneurs, and high-level executives—who are ready to leave behind their comfortable lives for two weeks to embrace something real and personal. This is for those who are tired of feeling empty and want to reconnect with the person they were meant to be.

When is this held?

We only hold three retreats annually in various locations across the Western U.S. Space is limited, and the transformation is real. Don’t miss your chance to discover what you’ve been searching for.

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Your next step isn’t in the boardroom. It’s in the wilderness, with a group of men who know what it means to live with success—but also with emptiness. Here, you’ll find clarity, brotherhood, and purpose.

Join us. Rediscover yourself.

How much does this cost?

We only accept 16 people to each Executive Camp, costing $60,000 for the two-week adventure. All food and lodging is provided along with a medical team (for emergencies). All transportation is included to the events i.e.: Repelling, Skydiving, Hiking, Horseback Riding, etc.

What are the dates and locations of the Executive Camps?

The first one will be near North Fork California, not far from Yosemite National Park and the dates for that will be June 2-14, 2025

The Second one will be in Salmon Idaho from August 11-23, 2025

The Third one will be near Zions National Park from September 8-20, 2025

What Preparation do we need?

To be part of this experience, you must commit to a 10-20 week preparation process. This can’t be delegated, postponed, or skipped. It’s as critical as the retreat itself. During these weeks, you’ll train your body and mind for what lies ahead. You’ll confront physical and emotional challenges you’ve never faced—and prepare to see parts of yourself hidden for years.

What Other Preparation do we need?

To participate in this experience, you will send forms to your Spouse, Children, Friends, Employees, Co-Workers, Customers, etc., that they will fill out anonymously to give you feedback on what they see in you and the type of person you are. We will read these during the second week of the course. Be prepared for some stark insights as to what type of person you are in the eyes of others.

What are some of the things we are going to be doing?

By the time you arrive at Executive Camp, you won’t just be stepping into a retreat—you’ll be entering a transformational experience where you’ll be pushed to your limits, physically and emotionally

You’ll live part of the time in a luxurious glamping resort, but also in the brutal wilderness—with nothing but your fellow men and the raw elements

You’ll kill and prepare some of your own food—a visceral experience that will ground you in a way you’ve likely never experienced

You’ll backpack, build fires, and confront the emotional baggage that has been holding you back.

Are there some Restrictions?

Yes, and this is not a complete list.

1-There will be no alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.

2-There will be no sexual relations of any kind with anyone during this camp.

3-All medications must be noted and given to our medical staff for storage

4-No one will ridicule anyone for their beliefs or experiences, BUT there will be challenges and questions that must be defended by each participant (more on this later)

5-Safety is number one on every excursion. You are not required to do any activity and can back out at any time.

6-Details and plans may change based on a variety of reasons

7-What you see presented on this website and what is emailed to you may or may not represent the actual activities we will participate in.

8-You will sign a wavier in order to join. There is inherent danger in every activity and the possibility of death exists. Of course, the same is true while driving your car, but we do recommend you have all the proper paperwork filled out in case something happens that causes your demise.

9-There are no refunds for any reason. We will incur great expenses that cannot be returned in terms of foods, travel, legal, accommodations, flights, medical staff, horseback riding, kayaks, rappelling, rock climbing etc. Because of the preparation time required we will not be able to replace your spot with someone else.

10-You are responsible for all travel to get to the Camp location. Once there, we will take you around to the various activity locations. Our first camp is in North Fork California and the closest airports are Fresno, Bakersfield and Sacramento. Once we get closer to the date will work to get a few shuttle buses to meet at certain times at those airports.

11-All phones will be submitted to the leader for the entire trip and will only be accessed for 30 minutes each morning or evening to take care of business. One of the goals here is to get rid of the dependence on cell phones and the addiction they can cause.


Kelly Smith

Jarod King

Robert Crawford

Get In Touch

North Fork, CA 93643, USA